A1 (Beginner) Group Sessions
Service Description
**Enjoy LIMITED TIME 10% OFF ** -For Group A, this course starts on January 7th and ends on March 11th. Sessions will take place once a week: every Saturday at 10:30 am PST Pacific time. (SOLD OUT) ♡Important information♡ -Students meet once a week on Zoom -Total length of the program is 10 weeks -The cost for 5 sessions is USD $136 for 5 sessions (You pay every 5 sessions) ♡Featuring♡ -10 sessions of 1.5 hour class -Small Group and interactive sessions (4-6 students) -Support and Coaching -Homework with correction -Exclusive access to our learners' community (on Whatsapp) -Unlimited emails -Customized to your needs ♡Description of the course♡ This level is for students with some experience in French and want to brush up their French. Students will develop new vocabulary, improve their listening and speaking skills, and polish their grammar. Students will also have the opportunity to explore francophone culture through a variety of mediums such as authentic articles, stories and realistic dialogues. ♡TOPICS COVERED ♡ -Parler de ma famille -Parler de mes loisirs -Le Présent de l'Indicatif (Tous les groupes) -La Routine & Dire l'Heure (Les Verbes Pronominaux) -Les Adjectifs & La Description -Les Phrases Interrogatives -Parler de son Logement & Louer un Appartement en France -Les Tâches Ménagères -La Nourriture & Mon Habitude Alimentaire (Articles Partitifs, Adverbes de Fréquence, Expressions de Quantité) -Ma ville & Mon Quartier (Endroits de la Ville, Prépositions, Situations d'Achats) -Inviter à une Sortie & l'Impératif -Le Futur Proche VS le Futur Simple -La Prononciation (la Liaison, le 'e' non prononcé) -La Francophonie
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